The Dawn of a New Australia

A Federation WebQuest for Stage 5 Students

home | scenario | task | process | assessment | outcomes
introductory resources| general resources | student reflection | teachers' page




Step 1

Your teacher will divide you into six groups and you will be given one colony to investigate. Read through the whole of the webquest's main pages (Scenario, Task and Assessment) then have a look at these special resources to begin with so that you can start to get an idea of what everybody was so worried about. There is a CD to investigate and some internet sites.

Step 2

Working on their own, all members of the group begin to work out, in general terms, the issues For and Against Federation as expressed by the colonies but thinking especially about their own colony.

Step 3

When everybody has found out as many issues as they can all members of the group meet around a table and share their initial findings. The group agrees to a set of issues they have worked out are the main issues for their colony keeping in mind the issues which matter to the other colonies as well.

Step 4

Each student chooses one of the issues and researches that issue in more detail. Check out some of the other links and resources provided with this WebQuest. The CD One Destiny will provide you with additional information on your issue.

Step 5

Each student prepares a draft report on his/her issue summarizing
(a) the issue itself
(b) the benefits of the issue for the colony
(c) the losses for the colony if Federation was established.

Some suggestions about how to prepare the draft report can be found here.

Step 6

As you finish your work, help other members of the group to complete their work.

Step 7

When all research work is complete meet together over a table and combine your knowledge, discuss your findings and summarize your decisions in a draft final report form. There is a guide here about how you should put your submission together.

Step 8

On behalf of each colony each group presents its findings in a formal report to Sir Henry (your teacher) putting its case for or against Federation on behalf of their colony and clearly expressing their concerns or support for the issues and the whole idea of Federation. See comments below about the presentation.

The Presentation

The presentation for Sir Henry (your teacher) will require the use of Information and Communication Technology. This could take many forms including overhead transparencies, video, film, a PowerPoint presentation or a webpage or set of webpages. Discuss your options with your teacher and make your decision on the basis of the expertise in your group, the technology available and the time and effort you are expected to put into the presentation. There is a tutorial on how to prepare a PowerPoint presentation here and some suggestions as to what to include and what not to include.


The guidelines on how you will be assessed are on the Assessment Page and you should use that information to guide you through the steps you need to take in this process.
