The Migrant Experience

a stage 5 webquest on
migration and multiculturalism

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how to write a letter

Your letter should be in formal language.
Leave a 2.5 cm margin on the left hand side
It should have your address first on the top left followed by the date with a spare line in between
It then should have a couple of lines free, followed by the formal address of the business you are writing to - in this case the address in Canberra but that may not be the right address for you to use - check out to whom you should write on the Dept of Immigration website
You then leave a line and begin on the left hand side Dear Sir/Madam if you do not know a specific name. If you know to whom you are to write then address them directly - Dear Mr. Jones.
Then write your letter in paragraphs keeping one idea in each sentence and ideas which link together (such as about your family) in the one paragraph
At the end, sign off formally as shown below leaving space for your signature

20 Brighton Parade
General Town District

31 September 2004

The Senior Immigration Officer,
Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
PO Box 25
Belconnen ACT 2616

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to apply for . . .




Yours faithfully


John Tsango Mentabi

