jack lang - gough whitlam


outcomes assessed

1999 Syllabus | 2001 ICT
2003 Syllabus

M5.2 sequences major historical events to show understanding of continuity, change and causation

M5.5 recounts some of the key events and developments in Australian political history

M5.16 locates, selects and organises historical information from a number of different sources, utilising a variety of technoloigcal processes to address complex historical problems and issues, with some independence

M5.19 creates well-structured texts using evidence to discuss increasingly complex problems and issues

1. locate historical information from a wide variety of written, audio-visual and multimedia resources

2. use multimedia processes to create published works incorporating text

5.1 explains political developments and events and evaluates their impact on Australian life

5.8 locates, selects and organises relevant historical information from a number of sources, including ICT, to undertake historical inquiry

5.10 selects and uses appropriate written forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past

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